Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life is but a vaopr...

This article by Doug Phillips on the death of Steve Jobs is a great reminder of what our priorities in life should be.  We can supposedly achieve great heights and "make our mark on the world", but in the end it is only those things which are done Soli Deo Gloria that will be of any worth.

Monday, August 29, 2011

J. Smithe Photography!!!

Our thirteen year old son Josiah recently launched his new blog:

He is amazingly talented, and has a wonderful eye.  His photos capture the detail and beauty of God's awesome creation in a unique way!  Please take a moment to visit his blog and leave a comment on one of his posts...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Marrying Well

The choice of a suitable spouse may very well be one of the most important decisions we will face as our sons and daughters reach maturity.  That is why it is so vitally important that we approach this topic with a biblical perspective, and handle these relationships in a distinctively God-honoring manner.  

We are excited about the Western Conservatory's upcoming webinar entitled:  "Marrying Well:  Practical Wisdom for Courtship from the Botkin Families."  In this 5 week course they will seek to address important topics such as:
  • Preparation for marriage 
  • What the Bible says about courtship
  • Betrothal?
  • Why strong brother-sister relationships are essential, in families and between families
  • Dominion, discipleship, and life mission
  • Risk management in relationships
  • The deadly danger of worry
  • What to think about emotions
  • How do I know this is the right one?
  • How to determine God's will
  • Maintaining peace and harmony between families
  • When to skip courtship altogether
  • Engagement periods
  • Wisely reforming American wedding ceremonies

Visit the Western Conservatory to learn more and sign up!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hymns and History Vol. II!

We are excited to announce that we have begun work on Hymns and History Vol. II!! See our HH blog post for more details:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From Sophia's Sketches

We live in a youth driven culture that largely devalues the past.  It is so important that we work against this trend and take heed to"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee."  Deuteronomy 32:7  However, we must not only remember, but also be grateful for the extraordinary sacrifices they made on our behalf.

Visit the link below to learn more about this piece of art and order a copy for yourself:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

 Our firstborn is 18!

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,  To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."  Jude 1:24-25

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Never Forget

We wanted to share this poem that Sophia recently wrote in honor of Vision Forum's upcoming D-Day celebration (  We owe our WWII heroes a debt of gratitude for their sacrifice!

Never Forget
by Sophia Smithe

Mighty and manly
Was the fearless young soldier
As he ran into battle
His gun on his shoulder

Though bullets flew thickly
And smoke filled the air
Though his comrades were fallen
Yet he did not despair

Forward he marched
And into the fight
And there he remained
Though day turned to night

He must not give ground
He must not surrender
He must never give up
Never, no never

In the strength of the Lord
With brave perseverance
With courage undying
And noble resistance

The struggle was ended
The battle was won
And the blessings of freedom
Were only begun

A well honored hero
Our soldier came home
His valiant deeds famed
Through film, song, and poem

And the young man was proud
To be part of the band
That sacrificed all
For the sake of his homeland

Time moved along
The years sped away
The soldier’s eyes dimmed
and his hair turned to gray

His name was forgotten
His story suppressed
That story of manhood
Through which we are blessed

The children did not
Revere and give thanks
For the now aged veteran
Who stood in the ranks

Yet out of the darkness
There arises a light
A remnant of faithful
Who shine through the night

They grasp the importance
And they cast a vision
They rally together
A noble division

They rise up and honor
Our soldier courageous
Their passion infectious
Their spirit contagious

Thanks to their efforts
His fame is revived
And his noble legacy
Is sure to survive

If we would see blessing
And peace in our land
We must remember our fathers
In whose line we stand

Their legacy lives
And must live on yet
Lest we forget
Lest we forget

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Liberty and Tyranny...

Thank you so much for all of the encouragement that you have given Sophia over the past couple of months as she has participated in the Sons of the American Revolution oration contest.

Many of you have asked about seeing her deliver her speech. Below is a link to the SAR website that features a video clip of her speech from the state competition. All Praise to the Lord!
Click here to watch Sophia's speech 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Changing of Seasons

 The Smithe Home

 Many of our friends have been praying for us as we have endeavored to sell our home. Last week we received an offer from a potential buyer, and it is with gratefulness to the Lord that we signed the contract yesterday! Lord willing, we will be moving in less than a month!!
Blessings to you all as you serve the Lord Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom!
The Smithe Family
P.S. In case you were wondering, we are staying in the area! We plan to rent in San Antonio.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Front seat wars...the never ending battle!

How it usually starts...
An appeal to the authorities: "She sat here on the way up"!!!
Big sister wins out!

Jeremiah goes to Dallas!

"Hey everyone...I'm here"!
"Checking in sir."
"You're not showing any reservations under that name"??????

And the winner is...

On Friday, the Smithe family (or at least most of us) along with our good friend Kristina headed up to Dallas for the state level Sons of the American Revolution oration contest that Sophia was involved in.  We rolled in Friday afternoon, and the kids spent several hours in the hotel pool before we headed out to a Chinese buffet for dinner.  Then we were off to the hotel gym, complete with every exercise machine imaginable, to work off our dinner!  

The contest took place around noon on Saturday.  There was an audience of about 200 people, including  Ross Perot (he was being presented with an award for outstanding patriotism and presenting an award to an Eagle Scout)!  One at a time the five contestants were ushered in to give their 5 to 6 minute orations.  Then the judges spent about half an hour deliberating in a nearby room.  

The fifth place winner was announced, then fourth...third...second...that left only first place to be announced, and Sophia realized, much to her surprise, that she was the only contestant left!!!  

We are so thankful to see how the Lord has honored her for her faithfulness to boldly proclaim His truth.  All praise and glory to Him!  
Now on to the national contest (July 7-11 in Winston-Salem, NC)!

Before the Contest

Gearing Up!

After the Fact

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Annual "Intern Baking Extrvaganza"

History was made yesterday as my son Josiah hosted the "1st Annual Intern Baking Extravaganza Contest." We were actually quite impressed with the baked goods that Kurtis, Dustin, Benjamin, and Jonathan (the current Vision Forum Interns) were able to produce. The distinguished panel of taste testing judges had a difficult time selecting the winners. In the end however, Jonathan's Pecan Pie Bars were awarded first place!
Pecan Pie Bars by Jon
Dutch Apple Pie by Kurtis
Chocolate Muffins by Dustin
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies by Benjamin
Welcome from the contest administrator. "We must be disciplining the next generation to bake so that if devastation should come to our country, our Interns will be trained and ready to deliver outstanding and appetizing baked goods that appeal to the stomach."
The big moment!  From left to right:  Benjamin, Jonathan, Dustin, and Kurtis.
The distinguished judges.
First you smell...
Then you taste...
 "Pass it down."
Having a great time!

The "Stab"...
Not the generally approved way to eat a muffin.
Casting his vote.
Smile for sweets!!!
The winner struts up to receive his prize!
Presentation of the trophy.
An emotional acceptance speech.
The administrator commented "In the end everyone's a winner!"  Then John, who won 1st place, said, "Hey! that means everyone's a loser too!"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soli Deo Gloria!

Sophia had the opportunity to participate in a local oration contest hosted by Sons of the American Revolution.  After passing first at locals, she moved on to the regional competition which took place several weeks ago.  There she was able to deliver her oration to an audience of about 50 people, and after a long deliberation by the judges was again chosen as the winner.  She will now be competing at state level on March 26th in Dallas.  

This has really been an encouraging experience for Sophia because due to the extremely controversial and distinctly Christian nature of her oration (which is a revised version of an essay she wrote), she never expected to win anything.  In entering this contest she was determined not to compromise or appear vague on any point, but rather to boldly state the truth.   So the fact that the Lord has blessed her, and has allowed her the opportunity to share His truth with hundreds of people in Dallas is very thrilling.

Below is her oration (a revised version of the essay "On Liberty and Tyranny in America" which we posted several months ago).  Stay tuned for a video clip of Sophia delivering her oration...

On Liberty and Tyranny in America
By Sophia Smithe

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"1 In these simple, yet profound words, Patrick Henry powerfully articulates one of the defining principles that would shape the United States of America: Liberty; freedom from illegitimate coercion. It was for the sake of this principle that General George Washington led an army of patriotic soldiers to march, despite impossible odds, against the tyrannizing British invaders who were destroying the freedoms handed down to the colonists by their courageous pilgrim fathers. Throughout the early history of our country, we can observe countless examples of heroic men who fought and died for liberty, and we too must contend for it’s preservation in our own day.

Just after sunrise on April 19, 1775, the first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on Lexington Green. The colonists had collectively determined that due to the oppressive acts of tyranny by the government of Great Britain, they would no longer be bound by its rule. By unjust taxation and intrusive acts, Britain had repeatedly trampled on their God-given liberties and they would tolerate it no longer! The war for independence would last eight long years, and during that time many bloody battles would be fought, claiming the lives of thousands of brave colonists. However, they would ultimately succeed in throwing off the shackles of tyranny, and would then go on to establish a new government based on biblical laws of freedom and justice, in which they believed, as Jefferson’s immortal words put it “that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”2

Due to the courage and conviction of our founding fathers, we Americans have enjoyed a measure of freedom that few countries have ever experienced. However, our 21st century American liberty is now being threatened with a new tyranny, one from within our own government as it seeks to control the people through socialistic policies.
The founding fathers understood that government should have limits, and consequently set boundaries within the Constitution that would prevent any one person or group from possessing coercive powers over the people. Constitutional Attorney Douglas Phillips, Esq. recently stated: “The Tenth Amendment reads: ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.’. What does this mean in plain English? It means this: The federal government is not our nanny. The federal government is not our mother. The federal government is not our doctor. The federal government is not the high priest of a new religion. And, ladies and gentlemen, the federal government is not our Savior! That designation is reserved to one person only, the Lord Jesus Christ…”3
Regrettably, through a slow and steady process, our government has overstepped its jurisdictional bounds and is seeking to dictate and control nearly every area of our lives. The freedom and liberty of Americans is in serious jeopardy! History proves that unless we grasp the importance of standing for liberty, we can be assured that we will ultimately suffer failure as a nation.

Why is it that we are seeing this massive drift away from our biblical foundations of freedom and justice? It is because we have rejected the ultimate giver of those laws.
Even as recently as 1982 in an official pronouncement, Congress stated that the Bible “inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”4 In fact, when we examine our founding documents, we notice more citations from the Bible than any other source. Yet, sadly, gone are the days when, as the U.S. Supreme Court stated in 1931, we can boldly say “We are a Christian people.”5 The reality is simple: We cannot and will not have liberty unless we surrender ourselves to the giver of true liberty. In a joint proclamation, John Adams and John Hancock said, “We recognize no Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!”6

The future of our nation depends upon us rising up in this critical time and fighting for those liberties that made our country great. We must do as our founding fathers did and not consent to live under the rule of tyrants who would seek to abrogate those freedoms. Our Declaration of Independence recognizes that in the face of tyranny, it is the duty of the people “…to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”7

In speaking of the importance of fighting for our freedom, President Ronald Regan powerfully said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”8 Amen. May we always fight for liberty, so help us God.

1 Henry, Patrick. “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.” Liberty Online. 4 Jan. 2011 .
2 The Declaration of Independence. 1776.

3 Phillips, Douglas. “Alamo City Tea Party: Phillips Calls Attendees to Honor our Fathers and Seek the Lord.” Vision Forum Ministries. 17 April 2009. Vision Forum. 4 Jan. 2011  

4 DeMar, Gary. “America’s Christian Heritage.” Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003.  

5 Ibid.

6 Founding Fathers Quotes. 19 Feb. 2007. EadsHome Ministries. 4 Jan. 2011.
7 The Declaration of Independence. 1776.
8 Levin, Mark. “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto.” New York: Threshold Editions, 2009.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sophia's Sketches

"...Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."  ~1 Corinthians 10:31

I am so excited to announce the launch of my new blog, "Sophia's Sketches"!  This blog is devoted to promoting my art, as well as inspiring others to use their talents for the glory of God.   Stay tuned over the next several weeks...


Friday, February 4, 2011

Ross and Julie's 22nd Anniversary!!!

Ross and Julie were married 22 years ago today, February 4, 1989.  Here are a few pictures from the wedding day:
Ross just completed a recording of a song he composed and sang for Julie on their wedding day, Feb. 4, 1989. It was inspired by the Song of Solomon.  Click the link below to listen to a recording of it: Away.mp3
 Sophia also helped Ross put together an anniversary poster to go with the song CD.  Here is a picture of it:

We thank God for his great grace and faithfulness to the Smithe household, through this 22 wedding anniversary of Ross and Julie!!!