In a society of men who are passively driven by the tides of humanistic, entertainment centered culture, it is so crucial that Christians are proactive in standing for truth. From philosophy and science to the life of the Biblical family, we must step onto the battlefield and address the issues of our day. That is why we are so excited about Vision Forum's “Into the Amazon” project! Doug Phillips, the president of Vision Forum, and the “Into the Amazon” team leader, led a team of thirty men deep into the heart of the Amazonian jungle. While there they visited native tribes, explored the dense jungle, made contact with some of the most amazing and diversified plant and animal life, and encouraged men in the pursuit of bold, courageous manhood.
We have had the privilege of participating in the “Into the Amazon” online study course which covers seven great mysteries of the Amazon, and we have been thrilled by what we have seen! The video episodes that the team has posted are all of the highest quality; full of riveting adventures, powerful messages, and some of the most gorgeous footage we have ever seen!
With the same zeal and enthusiasm for animals that we've seen in men like the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, Doug Phillips embodies an intense passion for creation, yet without the humanistic and evolutionary rhetoric we often find in this context. He consistently gives all praise and glory to the great Creator of all things, the Lord Jesus Christ. His ease and comfort with these wild beasts of the jungle is amazing, and his appreciation for their beauty and intricate design is truly contagious.
One of the issues covered the most recent episode, “Mysteries of the Strange Creatures of the Amazon”, is that of 'global warming' and its effect on the Vampire bats of the Amazon. Humanistic ecologists have theorized that 'global warming' is having a negative impact on this particular Vampire bat population, causing them to prey on humans, which they claim is unusual behavior. Mr. Phillips and his team went straight to the source to uncover the truth about the attacks, and interviewed the indigenous people of that region. Through careful investigation it was discovered that these attacks are actually quite common, and have been occurring for many generations.
This is just one example of the many instances that the team has challenged the humanists of our day in their attempts to advance their environmentalist agenda. This type of bold research should inspire us to not be blind followers of godlessness, but rather to seek out the truth and boldly proclaim it for the glory of God!
Another mission of the team is to encourage the lost principles of courageous manhood which were powerfully displayed by past adventurers to the Amazon such as Theodore Roosevelt and Percy Fawcett. These brave men, with their sons by their sides, faced untold dangers in the pursuit of discovery. If we are to be successful in rebuilding the biblical family, we must recapture this vision. It was encouraging to watch as men young and old braved the dangers of the jungle and emerged victorious!
We encourage every family with a passion for adventure, a desire to rebuild a culture of manhood, and a vision to explore and discover for the glory of Christ, to be a part of this exciting series. You will be educated and inspired! Visit
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