Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sophia's Thoughts on Biblical Femininity

In a day in age where the role of wife and mother is often demeaned and ridiculed; where women are told that unless they are out from under their own roof and enslaved to a job, they can never make their mark on the world or find true freedom, it is so critical that we stand up for the truth and extol the biblical role of women in society.  Titus 2:5 extorts young women "to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."  
However, just because women are called to serve in the sphere of the home does not mean they have to be dumb, uneducated, or uninvolved in the important issues of our day.  My own mother is a stay at home mom, and she homeschools my seven siblings and I.  She teaches us math, history, reading, writing, and science; the equivalent of what a public school teacher would teach day in and day out.  She is also a home designer and general contractor, as she has designed and overseen the building of our house.  She and my father recently produced and directed the film, Hymns and History, therefore she is also a filmmaker.  Time would not permit me to mention all of her accomplishments achieved under the roof of her own home.  
As Proverbs 31 clearly illustrates, the godly woman is not one who sits idly, but she works willingly with her hands to make her family successful.  She is free to serve the Lord whole-heartedly and be the perfect helpmeet to her husband that God intended her to be.  Most importantly, she is training the next generation to go out and change the world for the glory of God!  Some of the most influential men in the history of our world have arisen due only to the presence of a godly, Proverbs 31 woman of God who worked behind the scenes to inspire and elevate them to greatness.  The biblical office of wife and mother is the greatest, most fulfilling, most influential, and most wonderful occupation to which a woman can aspire!  "Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." Proverbs 31:28

by Sophia Smithe

Monday, September 20, 2010


We are very pleased to announce that "Hymns and History" is a semi-finalist in the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.  All praise to the Lord!
Be sure to join us October 27-30, 2010 in San Antonio for the festival!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Audri's Bridal Shower

Bride to be

 Ashley and Sophia


The whole group

A flood of engagments!

Within the last three months, we have witnessed the engagements of four sweet young ladies from our congregation to godly young men!  After several years of no marriages, this is a very exciting time for us all.  Love is in the air, and we can't wait to see who will be next! 

May the Lord give His richest blessings to these new couples.

Ben and Audri (September 21, 2010)

John and Mandi Sauve (August 7th, 2010)

Bradley and Cindy Pierce (August 28th, 2010)

Cody and Bethany (January 8, 2011)

2010 Bible Bee

Our family had the privilege of participating in the second annual Bible Bee, hosted by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation (!  

What a blessing it was for the children to spend their summer studying and memorizing the word of God!  Because of our commitment to our film project, there was not as much studying done as we would have liked, but they all had fun doing their best at the local competition last month. 

Joshua showed an amazing amount of diligence and perseverance, and we are pleased to announce that he is moving on to the national competition which will be held in Chicago in November!  The top 100 scores in each age division from around the nation were selected to compete, and Joshua tied for 100th place!  What an amazing providence.  Please be in prayer for him as he prepares for the competition.

Jonathan en route

Grading tests

Sophia- one of the final five

Joshua- one of the final five

Cool and collected

Senior final five

Jonathan- one of the final five

Happy and collected

Primary final five

Mediating the event

Announcing the winners

The FEAST Bible Bee winners

The FEAST Bible Bee