Saturday, May 29, 2010

Exploring the San Jose Mission...

The Mission's oven!

 Cowboy boots at the Mission

O the joy of discovery!

Friday, May 28, 2010

"...the effect that a thoroughly manly, thoroughly straight and upright boy can have upon the companions of his own age, and upon those who are younger, is incalculable."
-Teddy Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This eye opening article by Ken Ham reveals the truth behind Earth Day.  Please take the time to read it.

Earth Day - A Creationist Perspective 

Stay tuned for an article by Sophia on the same topic...

Sign Up Now for a Walk Through History!

Our friends at Vision Forum have just recently returned from a 3 week tour of Europe.

The tour traveled through Rome, Geneva, London, Scotland, and many other places, visiting the great landmarks of Christian civilization.

The distinguished panel of speakers brought many wonderful and insightful messages on the providence of God in history.

By signing up for the online tour, you can have access to many of these messages along with hundreds of amazing images from the trip.

Our family has had the privilege of following the online tour, and we can assure you that it has been an incredible blessing!

You don't want to miss this unique opportunity to walk through history!

Click Here to Sign Up for the Europe Tour Online

 Click Here to see the video of our friends in Scotland, Joshua and Sam, singing 'St. Brendon's Fair Isle' in true Charlie Zahm fashion!

Family Pictures










Fun Family Pictures...

Friends and Fellowship

We have also enjoyed many wonderful times of fellowship with good friends...

                           Abigail with our friend Nathaniel

                                                 Playing Taboo

                              Joshua's 15th birthday party

                                           Deep in conversation

Our family with the Bowman brothers, Nathaniel, and the Deamer's

                                         More excellent conversation

Our friends, Steve and Julie Anderson, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary


                                      On the Rickstrew's hay farm

                              Adam, Amy, and baby Honor McManus

                                        The Jasso Family

                     Sophia with her friend and Liberty Phillips

                                          Not an easy job!

                      Christianna and Abigail's birthday tea